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“What if our life situation changes?”

With Optiml™, you’ll always steer your progress no matter where life’s roads may lead. You can’t predict the future, but you can test and adapt your plan anytime. 

“Do I max out my RRSP or my TFSA?”

Should you max out your RRSP? Timing is everything, and Optiml™ will ensure you’ve maximized your savings potential, while minimizing tax exposure.

“How will I know if CRA changes the rules?”

How do you keep up with changing government rules and new programs? Let Optiml™ do that for you. Your financial plan stays updated to ensure every advantage. 

“Can I visualize my financial future?”

Think of Optiml™ as a crystal ball to envision your financial future using your own information to project, plan, and adapt as circumstances change throughout your life.

“Why would I defer my CPP past age 65?”

Can’t wait for those CPP benefits to come rolling in at age 65? Sometimes you really should wait, and Optiml™ can tell you why, and when is best for your retirement.

“Can I time RRSP withdrawls to minimize taxes?”

With Optiml™ insights, you’ll learn the most tax-efficient strategies and determine the perfect timing for withdrawing your funds during retirement. 

“Should we downsize when we retire?”

Downsizing for retirement often makes sense. With Optiml™ insights, you can model scenarios to ensure the best balance between your lifestyle and financial implications. 

“How can I best maximize my OAS benefits?”

What’s the best age to start OAS benefits? That all depends on you! Optiml™ considers your current situation, and also allows you to model unlimited what-if scenarios. 

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I’d love to chat with you about the challenges you’re facing and gather insights on how we can provide even more value to our customers. If you have 15 minutes to spare, I’d be grateful for the opportunity to connect on a quick call.

- Zac Davies, Co-Founder

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